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Ihrer Tanzsporttrainer Vereinigung


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Application form professional practice - danceCamp 2024

in cooperation with TNW and danceComp



08. + 09.07.2024 (directly after danceComp)

at Boston Club Düsseldorf e.V.


Workshops Ballroom + Latin

and Privat Lessons for teachers and couples


Teacher Standard:

Emanuel Valeri

Aleksander Makarov

Marek Chojnacki


Teacher Latein:

Tatsiana Lahvinovich Galchun

Vladimir Karpov

Martino Zanibellato


Privat Lessons with:

Natalia Petrova

Siscu Peres

Sergej Milicija


Free for TSTV members!


Non members pay 80,00 € / section


Special rate at the Hotel Mecure. Use the keyword „Professional Practice - danceCamp“ until 07.06.2023 for individual reservation under the e-mail: 



+49 172 9514649

Mit * markierte Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden.

Phone (for callback)* 
I participate at* 
I am member of the TSTV  

I will transfere the workshop fee of 80.00 € per section to the TSTV account 


IBAN: DE43 3566 0599 1206 1710 10




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